1717 K Street NW, Suite 900

Washington, DC 20006-5349

(877) 363-6376


Maja Belamaric, MBA, Director of Communications and Operations

Maja Belamaric, MBA
Director of Communications and Operations
[email protected]

(703) 879-3822

Maja’s work at the Meso Foundation encompasses the management and development of all aspects of the organization’s operations and its online and offline communications. These include online marketing components such as website development, writing for the blog about scientific advances, SEO, mass emails, and social media; and offline components such as development of press releases, newsletters, direct mail pieces, brochures, and annual reports. 

Prior to joining the Meso Foundation in 2006, Maja worked with several non-profit organizations, including the Young Storytellers Foundation and AIDS Project Los Angeles.

Maja holds a bachelors degree in Mass Communications from Colorado State University and an MBA from Purdue University.

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