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Radiation Therapy for Pleural Mesothelioma

Radiation therapy for mesothelioma has proved to be useful as an adjuvant to EPP, with extended survivals reported in large tertiary centers. The jury is still out on which types of radiation are best for mesothelioma. Several treatment centers are currently testing IMRT (intensity-modulated radiation therapy), photodynamic therapy, and adjuvant hemothoracic radiotherapy. Generally, it is extremely difficult to administer radiation therapy following a PD, as it can cause damage to the lung and pneumonitis. For this reason, only experienced radiologists at a major center should provide this type of treatment.

Relevant Studies Involving Radiation as a Part of Pleural Mesothelioma Treatment Include

Do you have specific questions or concerns about available mesothelioma treatments, including details on side effects and risks? The Mesothelioma Foundation is here to offer support guidance and help. Talk to a mesothelioma expert for the latest in treatments and clinical trials.

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